Project summary
Landscaping to new private estate
Following a recommendation from the client’s garden irrigation contractor TCR Irrigation, specialist contractors MJ Abbott Limited were approached by the client’s main contractor Dutton & Peters Limited, together with garden designer Lucy Hunter Garden Designs, to assist in the drainage of an existing field which was to be transformed into a large private estate for the client in Cheshire.
At an initial site visit we discussed the possibilities of utilising many aspects of our golf construction expertise on a project of this scale, together with our ability to carry out the majority of the landscaping operations in-house. Our possible scale of involvement was discussed and following presentation of a number of proposals and options, we were appointed to carry out the main landscaping works. This included the bulk earthworks, shaping, lake construction, drainage, cultivation and seeding of the entire 10 hectare site.
The works commenced in January 2013 and we quickly moved into topsoil strip and bulk earthworks. A large area of running sand was encountered on the site which required de-watering to enable the construction of the lakes. Deep drainage was installed to prevent the lake liners from floating.
Whilst on site we helped Dutton & Peters with many aspects of their works, working together with their team in planting some very substantial trees, relocating existing hedgerows, installing ducts around the site, carrying out trenching works to bury overhead power lines, construction of the new access drive, and initial shaping and drainage installation for the future formal and walled garden areas.
A significant amount of turf was laid to the perimeter of the new driveway, new entrance and topiary garden, and the remainder of the site was seeded in early October 2013.
We returned to site in spring 2014 to complete and turf the formal lawn area, along with a final tidy up and seeding of the access and compound areas following completion of the building works.